Friday, May 28, 2010

Facial Hair Friday

Figured I'd try a weekly mini-post in addition to my random lengthy posts. Let me know if its awesome like a Power-Stache or flops like a crustache. My idea was that I'd pick a picture and use less than 250 characters to talk about it, kindof like a longer, but awesomer, tweet.


Ciscoe Morris is the host of a radio gardening show. More like the host of the stache of my dreams. The man is duel-wielding a green thumb and a moustache. What a combo, and by combo I mean a spicy chick'n crisp combo from BK.


1 comment:

  1. ahh, a man after my own heart. Gardening, Dogs AND discussions on rain barrels and compost. Let alone the super facial hair.


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