Friday, June 25, 2010

Facial Hair Friday

So I came across this fine lookin' picture a while ago but didn't realize who the Orleans were until I started writing this post. They sing that awful song 'Still the One' [which I secretly hoped was the same one by Lee Ann Rhymes Shania Twain]. This is the kind of music that makes you avoid going to CVS. Okay, maybe I am the only one here that lets music dictate my shopping choices. But I have standards. And Fleetwood Mac is nawt one of them. Phil Collins, however, is. I'm digressing.

So I know nothing about the Orleans, let alone that they were even a band and not, infact, called New Orleans although that makes way more sense. So lets guess the instrument based on hair shall we? From left to right: drummer, bassist, vocalist, guitarist. Now the bassist and guitarist are kindof a tie cause they both have the über-nerd look going for them. And I'm wrong. No surprise there. From left to right: vocalist, bassist, drummer, and guitarist. Well we can all rest easy knowing the sterotypes for bassists still hold true [aka the weird ones of the group. Prime example: Flea of RHCP. I rest my case].

Adduchionally, this picture is like a 70s time capsule. The drummer's feathered hair and the guitarist's 'shroom cut are ideal. And can you tell that the two on the left are brothers? It's not every day you see identical rippled-perms. pluss there is no lack of facial hair. Even better than that is the wood paneling behind them. Nothing more soothing than extending flooring to eye level. Except for feathered hair, maybe. Looks soft.



  1. "Even better than that is the wood paneling behind them. Nothing more soothing than extending flooring to eye level. Except for feathered hair, maybe. Looks soft."

    I would so be 'rotflmao' if I wasn't so fat and knocked up right now. and if i wasnt wearing a dress. And if i wasn't at work where who knows when they last cleaned these floors.

  2. i know. the 'looks soft' is one of my better moments =]


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